Asphalt Batch Plant

hot mix batching plantLUTON ultra accurate measurement system makes the quality of finished product increase at least 47 percent.

Large yield (40 t/h – 320 t/h) and better performance wins high popularity for LUTON asphalt batch plant.

Get LUTON asphalt batch hot mix plant for well controlled quality on each batch finished products!

Bring LUTON Asphalt Batch Plant to Your Business

Stationary Batch Asphalt Plant

The maximum of 4000kg mixing capacity makes LUTON stationary batch asphalt plant perfect for large-sized construction sites.

stationary asphalt batching plant
Stationary Batch Asphalt Plant
ModelLB500 ~ 4000
Output (t/h)40 ~ 320
Cycle Time (s)45
Dryer Capacity (t/h)60 ~ 360
Bitumen Metering Hopper (kg)100 ~ 500
Mixer Capacity (kg)500 ~ 4000

Mobile Batch Asphalt Plant

Mobile chassis mounted on LUTON asphalt batching plant saves the time of dismantlement and relocation up to 38%.

mobile hot mix asphalt plant for sale
Mobile Batch Asphalt Plant
ModelYLB800 ~ 2000
Output (t/h)60 ~ 160
Cycle Time (s)45
Dryer Capacity (t/h)80 ~ 180
Bitumen Metering Hopper (kg)120 ~ 250
Mixer Capacity (kg)800 ~ 2000

LUTON Partnership

Advanced Technology, Best Price, Durable Machines.

LUTON has partners at home and abroad.

Choose LUTON and increase your sales or improve your business at least 25%.

Look at Rave Reviews from LUTON Customers

“LUTON batching plant does well in my projects! I got superior finished product cuz the 2 levels of accurate weighing systems and strict control of each parts.”

– Teguh Tirto Sudjarwadi from Indonesia

“I need a plant that can produce 300 ton asphalt concrete per hour but I have a limited work site. LUTON helps me solve the problem very well. They gave me some moderate suggestions and even a turnkey solution.”

– Prof. Ahmed Towne from Philippine

Components of Asphalt Batching Plant

parts of asphalt batch plant

Hot Aggregate Bin

The initial step of the whole process is to feed cold aggregates. Grating is equipped with every cold feed bin to filter out substandard aggregates and alleviate the impact of aggregate on bins.

Vibrating Screen

Vibrating screen consists of six parts including vibrator, the box screen, damping support device, electromechanical drive device, dust cover and distribution valve.
Screen decks in the box screen sieve aggregates by 5 various diameters.

Drying Drum

Drying drum dries and heats the moist aggregates, heating them up to 160~180℃.

Inside the drying drum, there are scraper blade and steel chains which assists the heat exchange of aggregates.

A burner is connected to the drum dryer to heat the aggregates. Our company provides burner using fuel oil or burning coal.

Hot Aggregate Bucket Elevator

Hot aggregate bucket elevator is used to elevate the heated aggregates to the mixing tower. It comprises a base, a main body, a hopper inlet, a hopper outlet, a main working belt and a motor frequency converter.

Gravity Dust Collector

Gravity dust collector is the primary device for dust collecting. It takes advantages of gravitational process to remove dust of different weights. Heavy particles sink because of reduced flow velocity. As for light and fine particles, it behooves bag house collector to remove.

Bag House Collector

Bag house collector consists of filter bags, fan, filter cleaning devices, collection hoppers and discharging devices.

The dusty gas processed by the bag dust collector are less than 30mg/m3. Processed gas can be emitted to the air directly. Particles attaching to the filter bag will be recycled or discharged.

Hot Aggregate Bins

Hot bins are used to store aggregates after screening. The number is judged by products customers required.

Weighing Hoppers

Hot bins weigh hot aggregates. Bitumen weigh hopper weighs bitumen and filler hopper weighs filler material before they are sent to the mixing pot.

Mixing Pots

Weighed aggregates, bitumen and filler are mixed in mixing pots, the volume of which has a direct relationship with capacity.

Mixing pot boasts double horizontal shaft and double helix with a view to better mix the mixture

Bitumen Tanks

The insulated bitumen tanks store bitumen and heat it through bitumen heat conducting oil.

Control Room

Electronic control system adopts products from Siemens. With the help of PC, the parameters during the working process can be displayed and changed easily.

Get LUTON Hot Mix Batching Plant Equipment Types

Currently, LUTON provides three types of hot mix batching plant.

Batch Asphalt Plant

It features high output and cyclical mode of production. Most customers take shine to this type.

Small Asphalt Mixing Plant

The working process is basically the same as the type above. The difference lies this type’s output is relatively small, applicable for small sized projects.

Simple Batch Type Asphalt Mixing Plant

This type boasts features of both continuous asphalt plant and batch asphalt plant. Different from common continuous asphalt plant, the production process of this type isn’t continuous but it also mixes and heats aggregates in the drum dryer.

How Does a Batch Asphalt Plant Work?

1. Feeding

Firstly, the cold aggregates in cold feed bins are sent to the dryer drum through the conveyor belt.

2. Drying

In the drum dryer, the cold aggregates are dried and heated by the burner and the rotary movement of drum.

3. Dust Collecting

Dust pollution generated during the process of heating and drying will firstly collected by gravity dust collector. Fine particles will be collected by bag house collector.

4. Mixing

After heating, the HMA(hot mix asphalt) is elevated to the mixing tower by hot aggregate elevator.

In mixing tower, there are vibrating screen sieving heated aggregates into different kinds and weighing hopper weighing HMA according to requirements.

Together with weighed bitumen and filler, aggregates are mixed in mixing pots in batches, usually 45s.

5. Storing

And finally the end product is stored in the storage silos or discharged directly into the truck.

Asphalt Batch Plant vs. Continuous Asphalt Plant

In light of the way of mixing, asphalt plant can be divided into batch asphalt plant and continuous asphalt plant.

Below are their differences in detail.

Production Process

The biggest difference lies in the production process. Batch asphalt plant’s production process is divided into batches while continuous asphalt plant works all the time without cycles.

Weighing System

The aggregates, filler and bitumen are weighed precisely before mixing in batch asphalt plant.

In terms of continuous asphalt plant, aggregates, filler and bitumen are roughly weighed by belt weighing device. They are sent to the drum dryer continuously without precise weighing system.


For the batch type, the mixture is firstly dried and heated in the drum dryer and then is mixed in mixing pots. The double horizontal shafts and double helix in mixing pots can fully mix them.

For continuous type, bitumen and aggregates are dried, heated and mixed simultaneously in the drum dryer. The scraper blade and steel chains assist the mixing.


Compared with batch asphalt plant, continuous asphalt plant doesn’t equip with hot aggregate elevator, vibrating screen, mixing pot, weighing hoppers. The structure is relatively simple.

Parameter and Ratio Adjustment

The specification of the batch asphalt plant can be changed according to customers’ requirements, so the types of asphalt concrete are diverse.

Once defined, continuous asphalt plant’s specification is not adjustable before the batch of end product is produced.


Batch asphalt plant is applicable for medium and large projects while continuous asphalt plant (also called drum asphalt plant) is suitable for small and medium projects.

Get Answers from LUTON

1.What Is Asphalt Batching Plant?

Asphalt Batching Plant means the asphalt concrete is produced cycle by cycle. Usually the batch is 40~50s.

2. How Much Does It Cost to Build a Batching Asphalt Plant?

According to different types and requirements, the price can be $45,000 and above.

Get a Free Quote!

LUTON aims to provide high quality asphalt plant machines with competitive price. Contact us and get the best price now!

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